Monday, July 30, 2007

Water World

Last week, we finally started painting more detail. The train moving forward to the sky was almost completed. I helped Adam paint the reflection of the light and water on the top and bottom of the train. Since it required elaborateness, I had to concentrate on the lines and it took several hours to finish them. Jamie and other interns and volunteers added more underwater creatures on the bottom and painted them with gray and orange paints. Under the water, the seaweed is waving, the octopus is dancing and the sea turtle swimming peacefully. It is about fantasy, so the design doesn't have to be literal.
Each day we had a different group of young volunteers and Adam, Jamie and CITYarts interns had to watch the kids work safely and teach them how to paint. In such a hot day, the kids seemed to enjoy painting and being involved in this huge project. They kept asking us about the mural and tried to show their painting ability to each other.
As time goes by we can see more of the mural and it makes us more excited. I hope everybody enjoys painting and takes care of themselves on the scaffolding. :)

-Yuri, CITYarts Intern

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